Milanos Brighton Beach Hotel


4 The Esplanade, Brighton, Victoria 3186


03 9592 3555


Congratulations on your engagement!

One of the most important decisions you will make when planning your wedding is the location. With Brighton Beach right on our doorstep, Milanos is one of Melbourne's best situated wedding venues.

Our wedding facilities include a private bridal suite for you and your bridal party, a stunning reception venue with an adjoining room for your guests to gather for pre-dinner drinks and canapes, private bathrooms, exclusive outdoor terrace boasting panoramic views across Port Phillip Bay and Melbourne’s city skyline and plenty of onsite parking.

We invite you to make an appointment for a private tour and a consultation with our wedding specialist.

Your happily ever after starts here!

Venue Overview

Catering Avg.per Person

Cost Per Head

Low $70 / High $110
Reception Guests Indoor

Reception Guests

Min 30 / Max 250


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